Thursday, November 8, 2018

Against Abortion? Have a vasectomy.

Against abortion? Have a vasectomy. 

It’s a fact that men cause 100% of unwanted pregnancies. Men have zero intention of stopping abortion because if they did they would just get a vasectomy and stop unwanted pregnancies altogether. Men’s ejaculation is what stems every unwanted pregnancy, men can ejaculate every day of the year, multiple times a day whereas women have a limited window of fertility each month. But somehow women are imposed to take birth control to prevent pregnancy, and withstand all the gruesome and uncomfortable side effects that come with birth control. Yet, a study conducted for male birth control was stopped due to similar uncomfortable side effects, funny how things work. 

Even though birth control has some serious discomforts and irritating affects, women still desperately want it. But the thing is, birth control isn’t easy to attain or retain, it’s costly and requires some form of health insurance and appointments. Society is constraining women by limiting their resources which creates continuous systematic oppression all directed towards women. Not making birth control accessible is leading to abortions, labeling women as promiscuous for wanting birth control is leading to abortions, stigmatizing male birth control is leading to abortions, thinking your opinion should litigate women and make abortion illegal is leading to unsafe abortions.

The logic centered around the pro-life movement stems from the idea that if we as a nation ban abortion, “babies” will no longer be killed. You can never ban abortion, you can only ban safe abortion. Before Roe vs. Wade, and before abortions became legal in the US in 1973, hundreds of women were dying from botched abortions.

 In Latin America where almost every abortion is illegal, the potential criminalization of said procedure has not lead to less abortions. Instead, women are using drugs like misoprostol to illegally obtain an abortion, but these drugs have also led to complications such as hemorrhaging. However, women are hesitant/refuse to seek treatment because due to the threat of doctors reporting them for inducing an abortion. This is leading to more women dying due to fear. Women should not have to weigh the seriousness of their health complications in comparison to jail time. 

If you as an individual care about unwanted pregnancy ending in abortion then hold men accountable for their actions in the process of creating a pregnancy. There is a burden on women to use birth control, but there is a lack of urgency for men to wear condoms. The amount of pleasure a man gets from being raw inside of a women outweighs the possible consequences his partner might face if his ‘pull out method’ isn’t as effective as he thinks it is. Pregnancies happen everyday from men orgasming while often women go without one. Men want to put their pleasure first, disassociate sex from pregnancy, and then preach that abortion is bad when it’s their irresponsible actions and ejaculation that cause the pregnancy and thus the abortion.

If you wholeheartedly believe that abortion is wrong then that is your opinion, but if you refuse to acknowledge and promote other preventative measures to prevent abortion then you aren’t pro-life, you're just anti-women. If men as a whole had reversible vasectomies from a young, sexually active age, do you understand how many abortions wouldn’t happen? 652,639. Yet, this idea seems so drastic and insane because it causes pain and discomfort to men. Society is used to applying blame, suffering, and pain on women but god forbid a man has to get snipped. This is a call to action for any man who thinks abortion is bad, evil, or irresponsible; you, yourself can end abortion but it comes at the price of your temporary discomfort. 

Controlling women’s bodies and sexuality is not going to end abortion, but holding men accountable will. 

                                                                                               Works Citied

Blair, Gabrielle. “Men Cause 100% of Unwanted Pregnancies – Member Feature Stories – Medium.” Medium, Medium, 24 Sept. 2018,

“No Abortions for Women? Then No Vasectomies for Men, Lawmakers Say.” CNN, Cable News Network, 22 Feb. 2012,

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