Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Pink is not the answer

Cancer has become a billion dollar industry that not only empties pockets but also households. Foundations like Susan G. Komen who facilitate global marketing and consumerism scams to entice buyers in benefitting their cancer curing brand, when in fact brands like Komen profit off cancer as a whole. Susan G. Komen has raised about 956 million dollars since its founding. The allocating of these funds have created a distrust among the array of breast cancer foundations since the “non-profit” organizations CEOs are making more than doctors, politicians, and lawyers. Why should working people be donating to a “non-profit” whose CEO makes more than 684,000 dollars a year? Clearly, not all of the donations and sponsorships are going directly to breast cancer patients nor to finding the cure. From 2009 - 2010 only 20.9% of the funds generated by the pink ribbon foundation were used. Where are the millions of dollars going? 

The ugly truth that lies beneath Breast Cancer and many cancer foundations illustrate a capitalistic approach to endorsing a preventable systematic killing of women (and men). If the cancer industry is continuously showing its profitability in marketing and consumerism, than the capitalistic society we live in thrives off the sickness cancer distributes among women. With this system generating billions of dollars, why would industries like Susan G. Komen fight to find a cure that could potentially end majority of the fiscal contributions their foundation generates? Without this cancer circle the CEO’s and directors of Komen would not be making millions of dollars. This incentives cancer curing agents to avoid curing techniques due to fear of lack of profit. 

The largest portions of Susan G. Komen’s funds is allocated to public health education, which essentially brings awareness to screenings and public awareness of the disease itself. This in itself is a beneficial factor but it’s imperative to realize that this process also profits Komen. This advertising is bringing Susan G. Komen’s foundation millions in return while establishing public support for their own “life saving” foundation. Creating a systematic money pool that aids themselves and creates a decent public service sector via advertising. But what’s puzzling is Komen’s main point of its foundation is finding a cure, yet more than half of their proceeds go towards awareness of screenings and not towards finding a cure.  Maybe because if a cure was ever found Komen would lose majority of its proceeds? Becoming aware of cancer and treating it does not equal a cure which is oddly Komen’s mission statement. If a foundation like Susan G. Komen authentically wanted a cure more of its proceeds would be going directly to funding for a cure or directly aiding women who cannot afford their treatments. 

Susan G. Komen receives over 55 million dollars a year from America’s prized, genetically modified, toxin loving companies like KFC, Coca-Cola, and General Mills who all have warnings of possible cancer causing agents in their ingredient disclaimers. Nothing says cancer prevention like eating a bucket of cancer ridden chicken! It’s also important to note that none of these brands appear on the Susan G. Komen for the Cure website. All of the sponsors are of healthy and active perspectives like Get Air, Zumba, WWE and more. Komen is hiding its partnerships with cancer filled companies to continue to pretend that their foundation is combating cancer and unhealthy lifestyles when in reality it’s supporting the purchasing of junk food that can directly cause cancer. 

Also, having pink ribbon products further incentivizes people to consume products. Trent Stamp, executive director of Charity Navigator describes that it’s often rarely more than a penny on the dollar that's contributed to the cause, it’s simply just great advertising. Both Komen and the companies that are promoting and creating these pink products are aware of the national perception that is created when supporting breast cancer. Consumers are more likely and willing to support and purchase products if it’s tied to a good cause. It’s also found that companies will create products with higher prices and a donation deadline yet will continue to sell even after that donation deadline to profit further. On top of the donating deadline, manufacturers and companies will put a donation cap on proceeds that are made, so if you buy your pink ribbon products after the cap is reached your money is just contributing to capitalism rather than a cause. Society is slowly recognizing these gimmicks and reacting in ways that raise awareness of the deceitfulness around cancer and the pink ribbon. Organizations like the Breast Cancer Action and Think Before You Pink campaign are spreading word of the issue with pink ribbon products, exposing them as cancer causing, environmentally harmful, and unhealthy options. These organizations are doing great work to expose the scam of Komen and establishing a fundamental resource for those affected by breast cancer. 

While Susan G. Komen is a corrupt foundation that exploits its audience it overall does create a safe haven of support for women who are directly affected by breast cancer. If you have ever been to a Susan G. Komen Walk for the Cure then you can understand the amount of energy, love and support that is admitted when people of all backgrounds, race, and sexualities come together to uplift everyone who has been affected by breast cancer. Breast Cancer is an authentic disease, taking millions of lives and leaving devastating holes in communities and homes. This disease needs to be combatted, those affected need a safe place to feel uplifted and hopeful and if SGK can give that to families or individuals in need then let it. But, to understand and admit  the underlying truth that Komen  is detrimental. As long as cancer is a for-profit, billion dollar industry there will never be a cure. Komen has no interest in finding a cure and would rather make millions off the fear and hope people have in finding it. If Komen really, truly cared about women affected by breast cancer they would put their energy and money to both finding a cure and helping patients who may not have medical insurance, or unable to cover any medical bills. This approach doesn’t generate millions of dollars so I guess they will just stick to endorsing cancer producing agents instead. 

Pink is not the answer. 

                                                Works Cited

Benfit, Emily, et al. “I Will Not Be Pinkwashed: Why I Do Not Support Susan G. Komen for the Cure.” Butter Believer, 14 July 2016, butterbeliever.com/i-will-not-be-pinkwashed-why-i-do-not-support-susan-g-komen-for-the-cure/.

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